About academy

1. The name of SIO "ACNS"”
as the organization (legal entity – LE):

1.1) the full company name of LE
in the national Russian language

Некоммерческая организация (учреждение)
«государственная международная организация
"Академия когнитивных естественных наук"

1.2) the full company name of LE
in the international English language

“The noncommercial organization
“state international organization
"Academy of cognitive natural sciences"””;

1.3) the reduced company name of LE
in the national Russian language


1.4) the reduced company name of LE
in the international English language


2. The description of SIO "ACNS"”
as the organization (LE)

2.1) it has the organizational-legal form
“The noncommercial organization
the mixed property
of RF and “AUT CMT SFA”
academician of (natural) sciences
(“SIO "ACNS"”)
Vetrov A.N.,
on the federal financing
due to the monetary means of the budget
of RF and foreign countries,
LE and natural persons (NP) (non)residents;

2.1.1) for the development of the basic and derivative
fundamental and applied
scientific results;

2.1.2) for the support of reception
of “The Nobel prize” of “AUT CMT SFA”,
academician of (natural) sciences
(“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.;

2.1.3) for the charge of payments (gifts) of the budget
of RF and foreign countries;

2.1.4) for the charge of payments (gifts)
of LE and NP (non)residents;

2.1.5) for the charge of received
sponsor's support
and external financing;

2.1.6) for the support of functioning
of the organizational structures
of “SRI "SFA CMT" of "RA(N)S"
n. a. Veniaminov V.N.”,
“SF "SFA CMT" n. a. Prokopenko N.A.”,
“"SPbEC n. a. Brezhnev L.I."
at "EAST n. a. Sobchak A.A."”
and “SEC "SFA CMT" of "RA(M)S"
n. a. acad. Burdenko N.N.”

2.2) it is “the noncommercial organization
(with some commercial kinds
of charges and incomes)
with “the mixed form of ownership”
(it is created and functioned
due to the monetary means of “The Nobel prize”
academician of (natural) sciences
(“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.,
due to the monetary means
of RF and foreign countries

and due to the monetary means
of LE and NP (non)residents);

2.3) it acts in the civil circulation
under its company name
“The state international organization
"Academy of cognitive
natural sciences"”
(“SIO "ACNS"”),
which is defined
in its constituent documents
(the charter and constituent contract)
and it is included into the unique
state registry of LE
at the state registration
as the newly created (existing) LE
for the implementation
of the following kinds of activity
according to “The All-Russian classifier
of the kinds of economic activity”
(“ACKEA” – «

2.3.1) the learning-methodical activity
and scientific activity:
80.3 – “Education, consulting,
seminars and lectures” on the disciplines
“Informatics and theory of information”,
“The structures of data and databases”,
“Discrete mathematics”,
“Theoretical mechanics”,
“The system analysis”,
“The financial analysis”,
“Financial markets”,
“The accounting and audit” and others
(some functions
of the higher professional
educational establishments,
the average special
educational establishments,
the average common
educational establishments and others);
92.4 – “The activity
of information agencies”
(science and education);

2.3.2) the scientific-production activity:
91.1 – “The activity
of commercial, entrepreneurial
and professional organizations”
(the scientific activity,
the activity on interaction
with the unions and associations
of commercial workers,
entrepreneurs, scientists,
writers and others);
67.13 – “The other auxiliary activity
in the sphere of financial intermediary”
(the information
-consulting services
of managing subjects,
the information
-auditor services
of enterprises (organizations)
and the information
-auditor services
of credit organizations);

2.3.3) the commercial (trading) activity:
51.15.4 – “The activity of agents
on the wholesale trade
of radio-, tele-instrumentation
and the technical carriers of information
(with records and without records)”;
51.43.2 – “The wholesale trade
of radio-, tele-instrumentation
and the technical carriers of information
(with records and without records)”;
51.47.21 – “The wholesale trade of books”;
51.47.22 – “The wholesale trade
of newspapers and journals”;
51.56.1 – “The wholesale trade
of paper and cardboard”;

2.3.4) the production-publishing activity:
22 – “The publishing and polygraphic
activity (production)
and the duplicating of the written down
carriers of information”
(the production and duplicating
of optical discs
for the laser storages of information
with computer programs,
books, monographies,
reports on the scientific-
research work (SRW)
textbooks, scientific articles,
scientific reports
and multimedia-presentations);
30.02 – “The production of electronic
calculating machines (ECM)
and other equipment
for the information processing”
(the production of programs for ECM,
and auxiliary materials).

3. The details about scientific works
of The President of “SIO "ACNS"”:

The list of scientific works
of The President of “SIO "ACNS"”,
, academician of (natural) sciences
(“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.
2 sections in the collective
monography published
“The international Higher education
academy of sciences” (“IHEAS”
) (2004 y.),
1 methodical manual was published
on the scientific-educational portal (2005 y.),
1 textbook “Informatics”
(2005 y. and dep
. in “RAS”, 2008 y.)
and 3 published methodical manuals
on the discipline “Informatics” (2005 y.),
1 textbook “The financial analysis
of the (credit) organization
based on the parametrical
cognitive models block”
with appendixes on the discipline
“Finance, monetary circulation and credit”
(2004 y
., 2007 y. and 2010 y.),
1 scientific monography “The features of evolution
of the theory of information and information technologies
on a threshold of the XXI
st century”
(the philosophical sciences – “Philosophy of science”)
on spec
. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 05.13.10,
19.00.02 (19.00.03), 08.00.10
(2004 y., dep
. in “RAS”, 2007 y. and 2018 y.),
1 scientific monography
“The environment of automated training
with the properties of adaptation
based on the cognitive models”
(the technical, physical-mathematical
and medical sciences)
on spec
. 05.13.01, 05.13.10, 19.00.02 (19.00.03)
2005 y., dep. in “RAS”, 2007 y., 2018 y. and 2020 y.),
1 scientific monography
“The cognitive modeling technology
for the financial analysis and audit of organization”
(the economic sciences) on spec
. 08.00.10, 08.00.12,
08.00.13, 08.00.14 (2004 y., 2007 y. and 2010 y.),
3 scientific-practical
“The calculation of the analytical coefficients system
for the vertical [horizontal] [trend]
financial analysis and audit based on
the cognitive modeling technology
(FD)” (the economic sciences)
on spec
. 08.00.10, 08.00.12, 08.00.13, 08.00.14
(2004 y. and 2010 y. – FD),
3 scientific-practical
“The calculation of the analytical coefficients system
for the vertical [horizontal] [trend]
financial analysis and audit based on
the cognitive modeling technology
(RAS)” (the economic sciences)
on spec
. 08.00.10, 08.00.12, 08.00.13, 08.00.14
(2007 y. and 2010 y. –
3 scientific-practical
“The calculation of the analytical coefficients system
for the vertical [horizontal] [trend]
financial analysis and audit based on
the cognitive modeling technology
(IAS / GAAP)” (the economic sciences)
on spec
. 08.00.10, 08.00.12, 08.00.13, 08.00.14
(2007 y. and 2010 y. – IAS / GAAP),
10 scientific monographies with coauthors
the technical, physical-mathematical
and economic sciences
on spec. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 08.00.10,
19.00.02 (19.00.03) (2004
y. – 2010 y.),
09 collections of scientific reports
and multimedia-presentations (slides)
on the rights of monographies
“The features of the system, financial
and complex analysis based on
the cognitive modeling technology”
the physical-mathematical, technical,
economic and medical sciences)
spec. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 05.13.10,
19.00.02 (19.00.03), 08.00.10
y. – 2012 y.),
3 collections of scientific articles
on the rights of monographies
“The automation means of the
system analysis
of the information-education environment based on
the cognitive modeling technology”
on spec
. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 05.13.10,
19.00.02 (19.00.03), 08.00.10 (2005 y
. 2009 y.),
18 collections of scientific reports
on the rights of monographies (
"SFA CMT" of "RA(N)S"
n. a. Veniaminov V.N.,
"SFA CMT" n. a. Prokopenko N.A.
“"SPbEC n. a. Brezhnev L.I."
at "EAST n. a. Sobchak A.A.")
on spec
. 01.02.01, 05.13.01, 05.13.10,
19.00.02 (19.00.03), 08.00.10
(2013 y
. 2018 y.),
1 report on the individual initiative SRW
from the 2003-2005 y.(2005y.),
1 report on the individual initiative SRW
from the 2006-2008 y.(2008y.),
14 scientific articles (2005 y. – 2018 y.):
14 were published in the scientific journals
from the list of “HAC of RF” (2005 y. -2018 y.),
3 dep
. in “"VINITI" of "RAS" (2008 y.),
2 dep
. in “"VINITI" of "RAS" (2009 y.),
226 scientific reports in the materials
of 47 international conferences
of “IHEAS”, “RA(N)S”
and the other (international)
scientific and educational
organizations (2003 y. – 2024 y.).

4. The sphere of scientific interests
of “SIO "ACNS"”:

the (microscopic) system analysis
and control,
the information technologies,
the information
-educational environments,
the automated (remote)
training systems,
the innovative architectures and algorithms
in the basis of the automation means of training,
psychophysiology of perception,
(cognitive) linguistics,
the (microscopic) financial analysis,
the accounting and audit
of the enterprises and (credit) organizations,
the (microscopic
) complex analysis,
theoretical mechanics, physical chemistry,
molecular biology and medicine.

5. The directions of scientific researches
of “SIO "ACNS"”:

5.1) it is engaged
in the (microscopic) system analysis
and the increasing in the efficiency of functioning
of the (adaptive) information
educational environments;

5.1.1) it develops and modernizes
the apparatus of the cognitive
modeling technology
for the (microscopic) system analysis
of the (adaptive) information
educational environments;

5.1.2) it creates and modernizes
of the structures of the parametrical
cognitive models
of the subject of training and the means of training;

5.1.3) it is engaged in the creation and modernization
of the architecture of the (adaptive)
automation means of training
(at distance)
based on the parametrical
models block;

5.2) it is engaged
in the (microscopic) financial analysis
and the increasing in the efficiency of functioning
of the (credit) organizations;

5.2.1) it develops and modernizes
the apparatus of the cognitive
modeling technology
for the (microscopic) financial analysis
of the organization structures
of the enterprises and (credit) organizations;

5.2.2) it creates and modernizes
the structures of the parametrical
for the vertical, horizontal
and trend
(microscopic) financial analysis
of the (credit) organizations
based on the primary registers
of financial and accounting reporting-documentation;

5.2.3) it is engaged in the creation and modernization
of the architecture of the means of automation
of the financial analysis and audit
based on the parametrical
models block;

5.3) it is engaged
in the (microscopic) complex analysis
and the increasing in the efficiency of functioning
of the difficult objects, processes and phenomena;

5.3.1) it develops and modernizes
the apparatus of the cognitive
modeling technology
for the (microscopic) complex analysis
of the difficult objects, processes and phenomena;

5.3.2) it creates and modernizes
the structures of the parametrical
for the (microscopic) complex analysis
based on the (multidimensional) cognitive circle,
disc, cognitive cylinder,
cognitive cone and cognitive

5.3.3) it is engaged in the creation and modernization
of the architecture of the means of automation
of the (microscopic) complex analysis
based on the parametrical
models block;

5.3.4) it develops
the fundamental and applied
scientific results in the area
of theoretical mechanics, physical chemistry,
molecular biology and medicine
(preventive and clinical).

6. The legal address
of The President of
, academician of (natural) sciences
(“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.

RF, 195248, Saint-Petersburg city,
pr. Energetikov
, h. 36, fl. 82.

7. The actual address
of The President of
, academician of (natural) sciences
(“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.

RF, 195248, Saint-Petersburg city,
Energetikov, h. 36, fl. 82.

8. The phone and fax
of The President of
, academician of (natural) sciences
(“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.:

Phone/Fax: +7(812)222-5291 (home),
Phone: +7(812)950-2706 (cellular).

9. The electronic address
of The President of
, academician of (natural) sciences
(“SIO "ACNS"”) Vetrov A.N.

sioacns@mail.ru (primary),
sioacns@bk.ru (secondary),
info@vetrovan.spb.ru (primary)
[not working],
vetrovan@nwgsm.ru (primary)
[not working],
vetrovan@spb.skylink.ru (secondary)
[not working],
vetrovan@mtsmail.ru (secondary)
[not working],
vetrovan@list.ru (primary)
[not working],
vetrovan80@gmail.com (primary),
vetrovan80@outlook.com (secondary),
vetrovan80@yandex.ru (secondary).



Text Box: Saint-Petersburg city
Text Box: “Academy of cognitive natural sciences”
Text Box: The Russian Federation
Text Box: The state international organization

The charter ofSIO "ACNS"”

The charter ofSIO "ACNS"” (go to).